Data First

Its Start With Good Data

Your data will define your future. You can start building your knowledge base now or wait for a crisis..

The question is fairly simple. Are you driving your busines based on data or just hunches. Hunches are good but the price is too big if your hunches are off the mark once.
At Linier Dataquest, we are looking at ways to harness this data to ensuring marketing efforts hit bulls’ eye more often.
We not only have one of the largest primary data collection teams in India, we also done some amazing things with secondary data.


Data drives the world today, are you collecting enough data?

Do you have the right data to take informed business decisions?

Are you taking too long to process data and losing time?

Do you have enough inhouse skillsets to process and analyze data?


Primary data collection - ground surveys / data collection

Analysis - Data and GIS based analysis to give you greater insights

Secondary Data collation - All the public data that adds value

Real-time actionable insight dashboards that help you shape strategy


State of the art technology to collect and collate data

On ground surveys / data collection to decipher consumer trends

GIS based insights for you to better understand data trends

Automated dashboards to help you get real time insights


Lets give you a little demo